It is great to be able to open our doors again to friends and family. As a nation, it has been a tough few months and we have all had to make a lot of sacrifices to turn the tide in our battle against the first wave of COVID-19. We also appreciate that it has been an extremely frustrating time for families missing personal contact with loved one – this includes families of patients and families of some staff.
Firstly we at Cheswold Park would like to thank all friends and family for the sacrifices you have made to keep our hospital safe for your loved ones and our team members. We feel that as care providers our efforts are strengthened by your support. We pray that any further waves won’t be as challenging as the first wave but we cannot be certain of what might happen so we really hope you are able to enjoy as much time with your loved ones as you can whilst we are Covid-19 free.
The Family Bubble
Now that we have made significant progress in reducing the impact of COVID-19, we have been able to establish a responsible visitation solution that is in line with current government guidelines. Our "Family Bubble" provides a space for patients to see loved ones and reconnect after months of social distancing and safeguarding. This provides some much-needed relief to patients who too have missed seeing loved ones during the crisis.
We hope that you have a memorable visit and continue to feel comfortable with our facilities.
We apologies that we cannot serve you food under the current guidelines as we would have like to add some food to your visiting experience – hopefully, that will come.
Our COVID-19 Success
Patients and staff infection free since June 2020
No COVID-19 related deaths
Outstanding patient cooperation during the crisis
On ward activities provided throughout the crisis
Stable staffing levels
Fast and effective patient testing
We provided options of in bedroom isolation, or dedicated off ward isolation suites for the few patients who could not understand how to comply with isolation requests on their ward and finally in May we opened a dedicated Covid-19 wards for patients who’s tested showed a positive result.
Converted, registered and opened a dedicated Covid-19 ward so patients and staff had the benefit of being able to apply full barrier nursing which minimized the risk to patients who were well.
Operated dedicated Covid-19 cleaning team and specialist decontamination equipment used to help decrease the risks of transmission
Phased reducion in restrictions so we can identify any future cause of infection
Invested in psychology support for staff who had to cope with pressures of working at the front line and the challenges of not taking any infections home to their own loved ones.
Fantastic staff, patient and community feedback
Patient Activities
During Lockdown patients have had regular access activities, such as:
Outdoor activities
Football techniques ( patient lead) passing the ball, ball tricks, skill based intervention. Especially popular with patients who access community football.
Keeping fit though football ‘how many kick ups can you do’?
Circuits in the garden.
Giant garden games.
Arts and Crafts
Easter decorations (themed)
designing posters rainbows showing appreciation for key workers (Current affairs)
Creative T-shirts (patient lead)
Banners favourite sporting teams.
Prize door step quiz or bingo
Onward coffee morning
Serving post coffee and breakfast
Smoothie making
Individual sessions catered for
Grass cutting (taking care of your environment)
Recovery College enterprising minds, patients are encouraged to think about and create a business opportunity.
Onward activities
Table tennis
Fifa tournaments
Board games – operation card games frustration
Recovery College
Newsletter patients are encouraged to write articles poems etc
Steering group members keep in touch via telephone 1:1 and letters. Complete distance learning courses ‘how to chair a meeting’ ‘note writing’
Music session
Rap writing
Appreciating music
Old fashioned sports day (staff and patients)
Education sessions offered via distance learning telephone tutorials available.
How Technology is Bringing us Closer Together
We have increased our supply of Skype capable devices hospital-wide to facilitate patient contact during the crisis. We intend to keep this option available moving forward to increase the ways in which patients and families can stay connected.
We are installing a dedicated patient computer network on each ward to supplement our central patient computer suite (as patients weren’t able to access the central suite during Covid-19). This was already planned but we have brought this investment forward. This will also provide increased access to learning platforms and communications.
We also allows us to bring forward the plans to provide video access for carers to join Ward Rounds when the patient would like their family to be in attendance. at ward level for patients that meet the MDT requirements.
Moving Forward
It is our hope that we continue to build upon the work we have done as a nation to beat COVID-19. Our current plan is to keep the family bubble open as long as necessary as long as it remains within government guidelines and the hospital remains infection-free.
We genuinely appreciate your continued patience and adherence to national guidelines for hospital visits and our hospital policy. Please help us drive progress towards a safer and brighter future.
Thank you so much for visiting. We will maintain the opportunities for family visits for as long as we remain virus-free but hope you will understand that we may have to suspend visits again if circumstances unexpectedly change.